Saturday, September 10, 2011

Here goes nothing

So I’m starting a blog. You can blame my current English Professor. It was her idea.
Most of the time, even I’m not interested in all the thoughts that are going on in my head. And now I’m going to inflict those very same thoughts on you. Hopefully it’s like that saying I once heard, where if you eat a piece of cheesecake and your friend eats a piece of cheesecake, then neither of you ate a piece of cheesecake because one balances the other out. If I’m writing my thoughts and you’re reading my thoughts, then maybe I’m not thinking at all and I can stop waking up against my will at two o’clock in the morning. But I’m going off on a tangent. If you hang around long enough, you’ll get used to it.
Why ‘The Frazzled Ant’? Well, ants are industrious, hard workers, which I like to think I am also. When I watch them racing around frantically, knowing that there is actually method to their madness, it reminds me of myself on any given day. Also, there are apparently quadrillions of them on earth, just as there are almost seven billion human beings on the planet. In light of those stats, it’s easy to feel dispensable and insignificant. But it’s still better than being a grasshopper, right? (Please note: my knowledge of ants is primarily empirical as well as gleaned from such enlightening movies as DreamWorks’ Antz and Disney’s A Bug’s Life, as opposed to those little things called facts, so all symbolic relevance is thus limited). Also, I enjoy the assonance.
Welcome to the inner workings of my mind. Enter at your own risk!

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